Sunday, July 22, 2007

Joey's Early Birthday Party

We had Joey's birthday party a little early, while my Dad and family was in town.

My niece Paige, and Allie dancing.

His Harley birthday cake.
Kori and Mandy.

Allie Y.

The kids playing.

Joey's new ball.

Some of his new toys.

The boxes are quite fun also.

Having lunch today with Daddy.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Georgia, Asheville and back home again.

It's been a little while since we've posted some pictures. Last week we were in Georgie and Asheville....

Bradley and Joey sharing a birthday cake (Bradley turned 3 on July 5).

Strawberry milkshake.

Another birthday cake at Grandma Roberts house.

First time at Chuck E. Cheese.

Deja, Kiara, and Jenny :-)

Akira, Sandrina, and Paige.

Daddy and Earl (looks like they are working on that tricycle, huh?)

PawPaw and Joey taking a walk.

Grandma and Joey.
Wanda and her new granddaughter Macy Leigh.

Joey fell asleep on the couch the other day and I put pillows on the edge so he wouldn't roll off, and he crawled up on it and laid there. So cute!
We still didn't get around to seeing everyone in Asheville. If Earl has a week or so in the field in August, me and Joey are going to try to come up and visit more with everyone.
Joey is now weaned, and he has 2 teeth coming up from the bottom. He has high fevers lately, so I think he's getting even more teeth.