Saturday, June 14, 2008


In addition to the awesome brand-new Harley Davidson you just got, I also got you this new flat screen TV for Father's Day. Me and Joey are just testing it out for you (note the small handprints all over the bottom portion of the screen). It's 37 inches for your viewing pleasure. I look forward to lounging around and watching TV and movies with you when you get home. :-)
You're the best Daddy Joey could ask for, and we love you so much. Thanks for everything you do and everything you sacrifice for us. Happy Father's Day Earl!

We're almost at the halfway point of this deployment! Thank goodness. We're praying for your safety and comfort and even for a bit of happiness while you are so far away from us. Love you honey!
Love, Gail and Josiah (and Thor, Lars and your adoptive niece-cat Kiwi--and that spider that lives in the corner of our bathroom ceiling)