Monday, May 4, 2009

Dirt, Dirt and More Dirt

One of Joey's favorite things to do at Pawpaw's house is playing in the dirt. He and Paige usually spend hours digging there. But on Friday, Akira joined in, and Macy even helped out a bit.

Joey's pants were a little too big, so they kept slipping down and showing his inner

Sandrina had went shopping that day, and came home to model her new clothes for us.

Paige turns on the radio in Pawpaw's truck, and dances in the bed.

Joey and Akira found a worm to torture. They fought over it, they buried it and dug it back up. They put in a bucket, then out of the bucket, then back in. They watched it climb up the hill.

It was very hot that day, and not raining like the weather said it would.

We also took a couple small 4-wheeler rides around on the mountain.