Just Hanging OutLooking like a big boy with his big boy pants on!
Joey loves his bouncy chair now. He loves trying to stand up and play with his toys on there.
But when he wants out, he wants out fast!
Mostly he likes having his toys ready and available for tasting.
Joey had his 4 month check up on this past Tuesday. He is now a whopping 12 lbs and 3 oz. and he's 24 inches long. He goes back at 6 months.
We're all doing great, enjoying Earl's time off. I finished classes on Wednesday, so I'm out of school until Jan 10th.
Thor turned 5 years old today! Yay! (Lars will be 6 in Feb.) Lars has been having some seizures so we've put him on a new medicine to hopefully stop them.
and today, my little sister Angie graduated from Army OCS at Ft Benning!! For old time's sake:
Congrats Angie!! So proud of you LT Koch! (Angie with Joey)
Thursday, December 7, 2006
Just Hanging Out
at 10:32 PM