Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Feeding and Bathtime and Other Joys!

He's finally grown into his high chair--just barely!

His very last time wearing his "My Dad Rocks" outfit. He's outgrown it!

"Gross Mom!"

Playing with the food is much more appealing than eating it most of the time. Especially yucky green beans.

Rice cereal. Yum.

He's pretty determined to try and feed himself. He tries taking the spoon away from us when we tried to feed him with it.

Just hanging out!
Holding on for dear life...prefers sitting up to laying down now.

"Look mom, no hands!"

Bathtime is Joey's absolute favorite time! He LOVES the water!

He twists his body so that we have to let him 'float' on his belly and play with his toys.

He also loves the shiny metal stuff!

looking at Daddy's big toe

his favorite water toy is his Pooh

He's still rolling over like crazy. He's trying very hard to sit up on his own...it will be any day now! He's very close. He's fiercely independent. He gets mad when he feels a pillow or your hand on his back holding him. He wants you to barely hold on to his sides if you touch him at all, but tries to get away with sitting up with no help. He doesn't cry when he topples over, but you better pick him back up fast or he'll get mad!
His next doctor's appointment is at the end of this month for his 6 month check up! 6 months! Time really flies!
I (Gail) start back classes tomorrow (Wednesday) and will finally graduate from college this May! Earl starts his Infantry Leaders Course at the end of the month, so he'll be busy with that for a couple months.