Joey's first chocolate chip cookie! He obviously loved it.
He had a really really bad diaper rash for a few days, so we let him go around naked as much as possible to help it heal. He loves being naked.
Not alot new has been happening here. Joey did wave for the first time last weekend, to Earl, twice. But hasn't done it since. He still says Da-Da and Ba-Ba, and lots of other things I can't make out. He loves to yell "uh-eye" really loud when he's crawling around looking for me. not sure what it means, but he expects me to answer him.
Next weekend we are going to a HOG rally at the Outer Banks. (HOG=Harley Owners Group). So I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures from that. I think we're going to camp in Earl's van again too.
We're eagerly awaiting the warm summer weather to return so that we can go back to the beach! Joey has 3 swim suits, because I couldn't resist. One is too big for him, its CARS trunks. but the other two should be just right. We'll see!
We miss everyone.