Tuesday, June 12, 2007

He said Ma-Ma!

Well, our precious little prince is 10 1/2 months now. He said Ma-Ma FINALLY on Saturday. He doesn't say it a lot, but it's usually when he's getting whiney and cranky and starting to cry. It's great!

He loves his John Deere Gator. We bought this for our great newphew, Bradley, when he was 1 year old. Now he's outgrown it, and given it back to us for Joey.

Earl's had some trouble with his bike. This is him trying to fix it.

^The only photo I have of Joey walking. Thats his friend Garrett beside him. I never seem to have the camera ready when he does it. He still only goes a few steps at a time. The most being like 6 or so.

Peek a Boo!

Natural born climber.

Thor and Lars exhausted after an afternoon with Joey.
Joey likes playing with the refridgerator magnets.

and, yes he's still throwing anything and everthing out of the doggie door.

He likes to share his food with me sometimes. Which is okay if he hasn't already drooled all over it. He likes holding the dogs' bones while they lick them. He giggles and giggles. For the first time yesterday, he gave me a kiss after I asked him for one. Usually you just have to wait till he's in the mood. and he only says ma-ma every once in a while, definitely NOT when i ask him too!

He's in the process of being weaned now. His aunt Angie is going to be here next week, from AZ! YAY! She'll be taking some time off before heading back to Ft Benning for Airborne School at the end of June. We'll have lots of pictures of her visit!