On Monday the 3rd, Joey said "Ball" for the first time, and actually knew what it meant! That was nice because it happened while Angie was here, before she left for Iraq! At first he was saying "ba-wwwwww" drawing out the "awwww" while his little mouth was in a perfect circle. Now he has shortened and just says "baw."

Then yesterday, Saturday the 8th, he blew a kiss to his daddy for the first time! He wouldn't blow kisses to me, just to his daddy! Earl came out of the field on Saturday after 4 days, and Joey was so happy to see him. Earl was going to take a shower and, in the hallway, he turned around and blew a kiss to Joey and Joey did it right back! Today after church, after I blew him so many kisses from the front seat that my lips got sore, he
finally did it to me! So precious! I don't have pictures yet, but I'll post them as soon as I do!
And his other first, that he started yesterday, is shaking his head 'no'. He has no idea he is saying no. He just shakes his head like that, waiting for our reaction...which is always laughter. He started it when I was feeding him something. I'd try to give him a bite and he'd shake his head no. I think he really meant 'no' then, but now that we started laughing at it, he does it at weird times when it's obvious he doesn't mean it.

These are some pictures we took before Angie left, I just wanted to put some of them on the blog because I don't have any new ones yet with his new 'firsts.' This picture above here is cute. One morning he woke up with that hair, sticking up like that. Angie loved it. She wanted it to stay that way all day. She is really trying to convince us to give Joey a mohawk. Which we totally wouldn't mind except for the fact that his hair is so thin and straight on top right now. When he has a little more, it might look better. Who knows, the next blog update might have him sporting a mohawk!

Notice Angie is too busy posing to find the door handle correctly. :-)
I heard from Angie. She is still in Kuwait and is very ready to be in Iraq. She's afraid she's going to get spoiled, sleeping all the time, drinking at Starbucks, eating at Taco Bell, and not having anything to do. She's ready to start her job and have some kind of purpose. I say she should just enjoy it while she can. She expects to be in Iraq near the middle to end of next week.
This picture above is how Joey fell asleep while me and Bonny were out shopping one day. He knows how to fix the pacifier in his mouth the right way but he was way too exhausted. He fell right to sleep as soon as I gave it to him. We are using the pacifier less and less, but we haven't officially tried weaning him. We just stopped buying replacements when he loses them or the dogs eat them. Ha!

This picture above is Joey and his friend Garrett. He really loves other kids...sometimes agressively. Ha! They are good sports about it, though. All his friends are great. We love them. This picture was too cute not to share. They are on a swing at another little friend, Allie Day's, birthday party last sunday.
This is Joey's "Finding Nemo" tattoo he got at Allie's birthday party. It's been a week and it still hasn't washed off! He wore it to church today. :-)

This is Joey and the birthday girl when she got her cake. I think he strategically planned that seat for himself.
Thanks for reading!