Earl couldn't resist. Me and Angie came in one day (before she left for Iraq) and Earl had bought Joey a Harley of his own. He was so excited when he got home with it that he forgot to take his keys out of the front door. I came home and saw his keys there, and the door half open/half shut, and there he and Joey were--on the living room floor playing with the new toy. Earl said Joey picked this one out. There was another Harley toy that Earl prefered that looked metal/chrome, but Joey liked this one better, so Earl, being the good dad that he is, sacrificed his own wants for his boy's. :-) he he
These pictures were taken later, when Joey was enjoying it. It's too big for him really, it is like a tricycle, with pedals he can't reach. But he loves the turn signals ("You are turning Left") and the music and the start up noise. He climbs all over it, watches TV while sitting on it, and plays with it.
Angie's cat climbed in the box I was trying to mail her.
Joey likes playing with phones of course. He actually puts it on his shoulder and walks around saying "da da" like he is talking to his daddy. so cute!