Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Earl's home!
We finally have Earl back home. Boy are we all glad to be together again! We spent the day today just enjoying time together. Joey is showing Earl all his 'new' things that he's learned this past month. We are looking forward to church tomorrow morning and Earl is ready to jump on the Harley and take it for a ride. Earl's b-day present.
Saturday--Earl sharing his late b-day cake (b/c of my eye surgery recovery, I didn't get to do it before he left, his b-day was Oct 25th) with Joey.
I accidently put the pictures on in the wrong order. This is Earl first getting his stuff loaded into our car at like 8:30pm. We actually didn't get to leave with him until midnight. He had to wait until the entire company got all the gear turned in. We got home about 12:30 a m and let Joey stay up a little longer to spend time with his Daddy before we went to sleep.
at 9:43 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
At home and at the park
We're getting very close to Earl coming home....we're anxious and excited. I can't believe he had to go for a whole month. It felt more like 2. Me and Joey are finally feeling better, we just have a lingering cough and runny nose. Oh, and I had an eye check up on Tuesday and it turns out my left eye is 20/20 now and my right eye is slightly weaker at 20/25. That's awesome!!! This is very tame for Joey when he sees the cats.^ You can't tell, but he's fighting the urge to crawl all over them. He's doing very well. As soon as Kiwi (the black one) opened her eyes and saw and heard Joey, she took off running.
Allie: "Allie me big girl"
at 10:11 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Angie and Joey
I thought of a couple more Joey stories to pass on that I forgot last update. Joey likes to get into the dog food and grab a handful (or two) of it and feed it to the dogs, one piece at a time. He will make them follow him around the house sniffing his hands. He giggles and walks, and looks back to make sure they are following him. It's very cute. The other day he was doing that right before we left to go to the post office to mail Angie a package. I didn't notice until we were waiting in line that he had his 2 handfuls of dogfood still, clutched tightly in each fist. He was so tired when we left the house, he totally forgot he had them. He never opened his hand once to look at them or anything. Eventually, I got him to empty one hand for me, but he didn't really want to, and seemed surprised to find them still in his hand. Also the other day, when we were at Jennifer's house, playing with Deja and Kiara, Joey walked across the room to me, popping his lips the entire way, until he got to me and leaned up for a kiss. He's never done that before!!! He's given me those cute baby open-mouthed kisses, but not popped his lips trying to pucker. It was so precious! Then he smiled at me and went back to playing, and a few minutes later, he did it again! I was so happy! He did that about 4 times. He hadn't done it since, until tonight, he did it once again. He seems so proud of himself and happy when he gets me to kiss him. But he won't do it if I ask him to.
We woke up today a little more sick than we had been. I thought we were getting better, but now we're coughing even more. Above is a picture of Joey mid-cough. I didn't intend to catch him that way, but I did.
at 8:46 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Our Busy Visit to Asheville
Josiah cut 4 new teeth this past week. He now has 6! Yay! We are very excited about these teeth, they've been a long time coming!
We got to visit my family in Greenville, SC while we were there too:
Joey and his 2nd cousin Allen.
The view from my dad's yard. I miss those Asheville colors in the fall. You won't find that here on the coast! You might have to click on this picture to see the big version, in order to really see the beautiful colors. But the pics just doesn't do it justice.
Joey and Mamaw Roberts: He's scoping out her trinket collection. He learned to say 'pig,' 'cow,' and 'rabbit' from those ceramics.
Grandpa Roberts and his grandboys: Lars, Joey, and Thor.
Pawpaw Ingle with a pacifier in his mouth. Ain't he so cute? It's really something when your grandfather can still get down on the floor and play with his great-grandchildren!
Joey loved spending time with his Grandma Teri (he can't say Grandma, he says "Bo Bo" right now). He discovered her Pepsi and learned where his belly button is. The new haircut looks great, Mom!
Joey played peek-a-boo at the Roberts' with their chair covers.
He also sprayed himself in the eyes with Mamaw Roberts' perfume. The same day he fell down and busted his chin, and his new teeth cut his mouth over at Grandma Teri's house.
at 12:06 PM