We're getting very close to Earl coming home....we're anxious and excited. I can't believe he had to go for a whole month. It felt more like 2. Me and Joey are finally feeling better, we just have a lingering cough and runny nose. Oh, and I had an eye check up on Tuesday and it turns out my left eye is 20/20 now and my right eye is slightly weaker at 20/25. That's awesome!!! This is very tame for Joey when he sees the cats.^ You can't tell, but he's fighting the urge to crawl all over them. He's doing very well. As soon as Kiwi (the black one) opened her eyes and saw and heard Joey, she took off running.
Allie: "Allie me big girl"
Earl should be home by Saturday morning, we can't wait!!! I will have lots of pictures of he and Joey's reunion, I'm sure.
Angie in Iraq is a little under the weather, so please keep her in your prayers.
And me and Angie sent Mom and inflatable mattress so she doesn't have to sleep on the floor anymore. With her injured back, it really wasn't a good thing. So now she sleeps comfortably on air. Take a picture for us, Mom!
Night Night time for me. :-)