I have tons and tons of pictures, as you can imagine, but here are just some of them from the holidays here and in Asheville. The pictures are out of order, but who cares, just enjoy them.

My mom, looking great!

New laptop.

Nan being silly.

Me and Joey at Grandma's.

Daddy with the birthday cake Angie had made for him.

Grandma and Joey opening presents.

Singing with the keyboard and mic that Santa gave him.

The Harley rocker from Santa.

New balls for Christmas.

Bathtub paints.

Helping Mamaw take down the tree.

First he had just one...
Then he stole another, and had one banana pop in each hand!
Grandma at the playground.
Grandma and Joey.

PawPaw and Joey.
Grandpa tried to hand Earl $10 and Joey grabbed it first, but kept sucking his popsickle like nothing had happened.

Joey and Bradley

Jennifer and her precious girls, Macy and Paige.
Me and my niece Macy Leigh.

Joey helping Daddy remodel Grandpa's bathroom.

Me and Paula, who flew in from Louisanna, that I hadn't seen in years! She's expecting in Feb, YAY PAULA!

Joey and Nana.

Joey and his new wagon from Daddy.

Paula and Joey.

Joey and Bradley running down the hill.

Earl, his sisters Faye, Donna and Louise, (we missed you Darlene!) and his parents.

Joey and Aunt Faye