Just about a month left till Earl gets home, and we're really feeling the time drag by. Joey talks about Daddy coming home to Joey's house, and he's very excited about it. When I told him the new swingset was too hard for mommy to put together and I wish his daddy was here (a frustrated blurt when I couldn't tighten some bolts), he said the swingset was too big for mommy, and not too big for Daddy, and that Daddy will come to Joey's house and fix it (in so many words). Later when my friend/neighbor Kelly asked Joey if my other neighbor Garry was going to fix the swingset, Joey got upset and said "No, Daddy fix it." Ha ha.
He's very into his stuffed animals right now. Loves carrying them outside and anywhere in the house, and sitting them up, or laying them down, or doing whatever he's doing at the moment (such as getting under the blankets or reading a book). He gives them kisses sometimes. Green Daddy is still his one true buddy and attachment--he won't share that one. But doesn't mind giving you the blue elephant or the frog that rattles.
You can't tell, but he's not wearing a diaper. He didn't want to put one back on when I changed him, and instead grabbed a handful of stuffed animals and ran outside and did this ^

Joey and our neighbor Zoey swinging.
Thank you Mamaw and Grandpa Roberts, Aunts Weez and Donna and Chong for the awesome swingset. Joey loves it. I couldn't put it together by myself, but luckily I have great neighbors.
Me, Bonny, and Michelle (and 5 kids in tow) went to Wilmington to go shopping for Marine Corps Ball gowns this week. The mall there has something our mall desperately needs: a play area for kids, not to mention a 2-story merry go round.
Well, would you be able to resist kissing that handsome face if you saw it in the mirror?
Riding the turtle
Garrett and Bonny
The mall trip was a success. It's the best Joey's ever been on a shopping trip pretty much. Especially one that started at 9am and included a full day of being strapped in a car seat or stroller, except for hour or so he got to play at the mall play area. All 3 of us girls found exactly what we were looking for, and then some. And we were great bargain hunters!