I have so much to update about, and I'm sure I'll forget most of it. Joey still isn't interested in potty training--I'm not forcing him yet. Maybe soon he'll be ready on his own without me rushing him. We had such a fun visit with Angie this past weekend. I'm sad knowing we're going to be moving this summer and then she'll be deploying later this year, too. About our move: we still don't know where yet, but it should be late May, early June that we go, depending how fast we find a new house.
Getting a little more annoyed at me^ But she's so pretty! Who can blame me for taking her picture? :)
He thinks I'm crazy.
^Think Earl's looking slimmer? He lost 22 lbs the past 2 months. He has really strong will power. If only I did... :)
He's had a really bad cough this past week. Most nights he coughs all night long, then lets me get some sleep in the wee early hours. One day, he took a 4 1/2 hour nap because he got no sleep the night before (or the following night, since it was a late nap). He seems to be better today.
Kmart was having a nice sale^ so Joey got a new Diego sweatsuit, among other things that added up to way more than we intended on spending that day.
Joey is still taking pictures. He's kind of obsessed with shadows now. He got a new Thomas the Train book that came with a flashlight, so you can shine it onto the pop-ups and see their shadow.

I took this today^

So now we are the proud owners of 3 new fish. I didn't have a picture of the betta yet. I'm going to try to set "her" up in a bigger bowl/tank.
Joey's friend, Zoey, is moving away to CA in about a week (they're the best neighbors! we're going to miss them so much), so she gave him her goldfish. Everytime Joey was at her house, he'd run straight to the goldfish tank and watch it endlessly, so she knew he'd love it. We bought a tank for it, and bought a friend for him, too. Of course Joey named the goldfish Bradley. We bought a betta for his room, and he named "her" (actually it's a male, but don't tell Joey) Angie (she harrassed him until he started naming other toys after her, so it was in his mind I guess...he he, kidding, Angie. It wasn't harrassing, it was just, well, pathetic begging, really.) So then when we got the new goldfish to share Bradley's tank, Joey tried to name that one Bradley too, until we explained how that would be confusing. LOL Then he named it Orange.
I took this today^
So now we are the proud owners of 3 new fish. I didn't have a picture of the betta yet. I'm going to try to set "her" up in a bigger bowl/tank.
It was thundering the other night and Joey had just gotten in bed when it started. He called me in there to say he was afraid. So he got to come sleep in our bed. (Thor and Lars and Kiwi are also afraid of thunder and usually we have all of them on the bed during storms, too. But on this night, it was just Lars and Joey).
I was sure I had more stories to share, but they've slipped my mind. I have photos of Joey opening some late Christmas presents, so maybe I'll remember by the time I post those later.