Or just look at them and pretend you smell them:
Angie came up last weekend, for what was probably her last visit to our home in Jacksonville, since we are preparing to move.
He loves swinging outside when the weather's nice. I have to push him for hours at a time. I should have some pretty awesome looking arms right now from all that exercise, but I don't think he weighs enough.
He has been also practicing splits lately, for some odd reason.
Another of his recent quirks: he likes to wear one, and only one, red mitten. I think it may be laziness: he found one laying around somewhere one day and never took the time to try to find the match. So he just wears one. All the time.
He says he's happy to get a new house. I guess because all his friends moved away to new houses. Right now, we're in the process of getting this house ready to sell. We've already gotten all the pictures off the walls, are getting new carpet put in on Monday, packing up clothes and clutter so the house is presentable for potential buyers, touching up the paint, laying new vinyl in the main bathroom, getting new living room windows, putting on door knobs and hardware and staining the new interior doors we got to replace some of our old ones, and doing the same for the new exterior door we got for our garage/dining room door, and the list goes on and on. We're leaving here at the end of the month, Earl to school in VA, and me and Joey to Asheville, to give our house a chance to stay neat and presentable and hopefully sell faster.