Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Our Busy Visit to Asheville

The past 2 weeks we spent in Asheville, visiting family and friends, and boy, were we busy. We enjoyed every minute of it! We really wish Earl could have been with us, but we still had fun. I have so many pictures!!!

Josiah cut 4 new teeth this past week. He now has 6! Yay! We are very excited about these teeth, they've been a long time coming!

We got to visit my family in Greenville, SC while we were there too:

Joey and his Great Granny Norris.^

Joey and his 2nd cousin, Jennifer in SC.

Joey and his 2nd cousin Allen. Joey and his great-grandfather, PawPaw Bill in Greenville, SC.

Playing in the leaves at my dad's house.

My dad and Joey watching home videos in SC.

Allen and Joey.

Grandpa Roberts and Joey. Joey kept taking everything out of the baskets next to Grandpa's chair, and handing them to Grandpa to hold, until Grandpa was loaded down and couldn't hold anymore. At one point, when Grandpa told Joey no, when Joey offered him a toy, Joey took his hand and opened it and put the toy in it, then walked away! Then he went through my purse, found my wallet, and took it to Grandpa. Grandpa gave it back to me, and when Joey came back looking for it, he was upset that Grandpa didn't have it anymore, so he came and got it out of my purse again and took it back to him.

Aunt Sandrina and Joey.
Joey and his cousins, Paige and Macy.

One of Joey's favorite things to do: go up and down the stairs at Pawpaw's house.

As long as he was outside, he was happy. That's probably why we're so sick now! haha

The view from my dad's yard. I miss those Asheville colors in the fall. You won't find that here on the coast! You might have to click on this picture to see the big version, in order to really see the beautiful colors. But the pics just doesn't do it justice.

Joey and Mamaw Roberts: He's scoping out her trinket collection. He learned to say 'pig,' 'cow,' and 'rabbit' from those ceramics.

Grandpa Roberts and his grandboys: Lars, Joey, and Thor.

Joey loved playing on PawPaw's tractor. He learned to say PawPaw while we were there too!

We had a mini 10 yr. high school reunion. Just went to the high school football game and to a mexican restaurant afterwards. Although these pictures are of Jenny^ and Amanda & Seth (below), who we are still close with, so it wasn't really a reunion for us, just another chance to get together while I was in town.

Me and Joey ^
Joey and Kiara playing in her princess castle.

Pawpaw Ingle with a pacifier in his mouth. Ain't he so cute? It's really something when your grandfather can still get down on the floor and play with his great-grandchildren!

Today he played in and out of the cats' carrier.

In fact, he is in there again right now, as I am typing this.

Joey's favorite spot at Mamaw and Grandpa Roberts': in front of the church that lights up. He would put his eye all the way to the door and windows trying to see inside. He squeezed himself in between the couch arm and the end table and made his own seat on the step stool. (you can see his Daddy's picture in the background. He sometimes held it and smiled at it and pointed to it saying 'da da')

Joey loved spending time with his Grandma Teri (he can't say Grandma, he says "Bo Bo" right now). He discovered her Pepsi and learned where his belly button is. The new haircut looks great, Mom!

Joey played peek-a-boo at the Roberts' with their chair covers.

He also sprayed himself in the eyes with Mamaw Roberts' perfume. The same day he fell down and busted his chin, and his new teeth cut his mouth over at Grandma Teri's house.

We both got really sick the last couple days we were there. Joey still has a pretty bad cough and runny nose, and I think my problem is a sinus infection. They recalled all the cold medicines for babies under 2, so its just Tylenol for him, poor fellow.

Earl got to call finally last night and hear about Joey's new teeth and words. He's a proud papa and can't wait to be back home with his son. He's doing well. Is doing a 10 day field exercise and then will get to come home! Probably around the 17th or 18th. His company has a website you can check out for updates and such, now and even during the Iraq deployment next year. http://www.iimefpublic.usmc.mil/public/iimefpublic.nsf//sites/1stBat_9thMar_Aco

This page is his company, Alpha Company. The links on the side will take you to the 1/9 homepage if you want to see the entire unit website.

Okay, thanks for looking! Now I've got to get caught up on some work before the results of Dancing With The Stars comes on!