Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Family Update

Joey likes to wear underwear on his head. And nothing else. And wear them to bed that way.

He's feeling better, not coughing as bad as he was a few days ago, but he's passed it on to me. It's a horrible sore throat and a bad cough that gets worse at night.

Joey drew his first real smiley face all by himself today. I didn't ask him to or prompt him in any way, and I wasn't even in the room with him when he did it. He brought it to me right away to show me. I was very impressed. He's come a long way from the squiggly "snakes" he used to draw.

He likes putting his own artwork on the fridge also.
Also, we found out today we're going to be moving to Norfolk, VA (well, in the Hampton Roads area--but Earl's job will be in Norfolk) in May/June. It wasn't our first choice, but we're just relieved to finally know where we'll be moving next month! It will only be about a half hour more to there from Asheville, than it is from Asheville to here now, so not a big difference. The big problem is expensive housing, but we'll leave it in God's hands and let Him work it out for us.