Thursday, February 22, 2007


Today is Angie's 25th Birthday! Whoa! My little sister is growing up! hehehe She's getting so old! Her best birthday present is that she's graduating BOLC in FT Benning today! So, Happy Birthday and Happy Graduation!!!!

I know you're going to complain about these pictures, because maybe you don't love them all, but too bad. We're taking a look at Angie over the years. :-) (seriously, if there's some picture you really want taken down, I'll do it, but I won't be happy about it.) LOL

I think she's too gorgeous for words!
Yay! that was fun (for me)! Happy birthday Angie. wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I'd give you a birthday cake with everything spelled wrong and letters missing.
Love you!