The past week has been tough with me being down with the flu and Earl working alot in his Infantry Leaders Course, but I still made time to catch some pictures of Joey as he turned 7 months old. And Earl's parents and sister Faye came down for the weekend, so Joey has been busy, as usual. (in case you didnt know, you can click any of the pictures on this blog and it will take you to a bigger picture) . He has a couple bruises on his forehead. He's been experimenting on the hard kitchen floor...tumbling forward onto his little face. :-(
Grandpa babysitting
Joey and Thor playing.
Faye pretending to do dishes.
Lars fell asleep in this position. He has many funny sleeping positions with his beloved balls.
Earl's dad.
getting lots of attention!
He has discovered the bottom shelf of the entertainment center.
He loves standing up on his own
and 'cleaning off' the shelf for me.
Yes, he is getting to big for his britches. Literally.