We have been on the go the last couple weeks! First, just some pics from hanging out at home: look at that grin!!!
Then Me and Joey headed to Asheville on Thursday:
In Asheville:
We had a great time in Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge, but me and Charity both missed our little fellas (and our big ones). But it was nice to have the weekend away. Thanks Jason and Earl, for letting us go. And thanks for our babysitters! (grandparents ROCK!).
It was the first time I had ever left Joey overnight anywhere, and this was 2 nights!
Sunday in Barnardsville:
Back at Home:
Earl has been in the field for most of last week, this week, and will be again next week. So we are really looking forward to him graduating this course he's in, at the end of the month!
And we just found out Angie will be heading to Iraq in July! I was just getting used to the thought of her being so close, at Ft Bragg later this year, but I guess she has to make a pitt stop in the war on the way here.
Anyhow, we've had lots of things going on lately, looking forward to some resting.
It was great to see everyone that we got to visit with, and the ones we missed (Jenny, Amanda, etc) ... we'll catch next time.
Love to all!