Joey is a crawling fool! he goes everywhere! he loves to crawl and loves to pull up on everything so he can stand. he's taken a couple steps holding onto the sofa, but nothing more than that. He still says Da-Da. He also says bah-bah, and bye-bye. And Earl said the other day Joey said Ki-Ki (kitty kitty...he actually know what it means. whenever I say Kitty Kitty, he looks around for Angie's cats. he loves them!)
Earl graduates next week from his course, so we're excited to be getting him back home more often! And I only have one more month (and a week) of college left. April 27 is my last day of classes, and on May 12th I'll be a college graduate (finally!!!) Speaking of college, I still have work to do and Joey just woke up from a nap. So thats the end of this update. :-)