We've been staying very busy here. With all the toilet washing and everything. Here's the still picture of Joey in the toilet:
Aunt Angie and Joey last weekend.
Charity, her husband Jason, and their son Eric came to visit this week. We had so much fun!
Let's see, what else is new? Well, Jane Wayne day is next weekend, so Earl's parents and sister Louise and nephew Bradley are coming in. The base lets the spouses (and this year, is also letting the families) come in and shoot some of the weapons, and do the obstacle courses, and eat MRE's and do some other Marine things for the day. That's on Saturday.
I am thinking about getting laser eye surgery. I go in for another exam in 3 weeks, then they refer me to a surgeon in Raleigh. I'll be getting it done by the people who did Tiger Woods, so I feel safe in their hands. Not sure about the cost yet, but it will definitely be worth it. It will pay for itself in a few years, I think, as often as I have to buy contacts and glasses usually. So I'm excited about that. And I'm waiting for my referral to a back specialist, too. We think I'm might need another back surgery, since my scoliosis has gotten worse--it's worse than it was than before I had my first surgery.
Earl's still doing the same ol', same ol'. He's doing a lot of training for the upcoming deployment to Iraq early next year. So he's gone a lot. Me and Joey hate it, but we're so proud of him. Angie is getting ready to ship out as well. They might be coming back about the same time next year. That will be a great homecoming! But Earl doesn't waste one chance to tease Angie about joining the Army instead of the Marines. She loves it, though. :-)
Joey still only has his 2 teeth. I don't even feel any more bumps yet. He loves baths still, he love brushing his teeth. He's still saying the same words, but we are working on more. He's eating better and drinking more milk lately, so we expect him to grow some more soon! He loves being outside. He tries his best to walk in the road, so I can already tell he's going to be a handful when he starts running! We might need to fence in our front yard. He's still throwing things out the doggie door. He needs a hair cut, but we haven't gotten around to that yet.
Well, I guess that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!