This is one of the few pictures that you can actually see his two little teeth. Yup, just two!
Playing cars on mommy's lap.
Playing cars on the sliding glass door.
Playing cars on the wall.

This is him on the bean bag aunt Angie got him for his birthday. He brought these 2 shoes to me, one at a time, to have me put on his feet. Very funny because he hates wearing shoes! One of them is too small, the other is too big. He's so funny!

Joey brushing his little teeth with his new Elmo toothbrush.

Aunt Angie and Joey. Boy have we enjoyed having her here on the weekends while she waits to leave for Iraq. Me and Earl have had 2! yes 2 , date nights to go out to dinner and movie while Angie stayed with Joey. Thanks Angie!!!! Can you come back from Iraq
occasionally to do that?

Joey and his birthday balloons.

Climbing into the phone stand,
mischievous boy!

Daddy and Joey.

This is at Ft Bragg when we drove Angie there for paperwork. Me and Joey hung out in the car and he made faces at me.

Joey has on his backpack full of beach toys that Grandma Teri sent him for his birthday.

Angie, Michelle, Bonny and Garrett at the beach.

Angie and Joey fighting over toys.