On Wednesday night he tripped over a pillow in the floor (or maybe over his own feet, who knows) and fell face first into the seat of plastic Harley Davidson motorcycle/big wheel. Poor guy, he cried and cried, and there was a lot of blood. It broke the tip right off of a tooth he just cut a month ago. We went to the doctor and dentist and there's nothing to do about it right now. Poor guy is probably stuck with it until he loses that baby tooth in many many years! and yes, I saved the broken tooth. ;-)
This morning, Earl put Joey on the fridge and tried to take him down and Joey pitched a fit, so Earl had to put him back up there and wait, and wait, and wait while Joey played and got into everything up there.
Last night we went to the Jacksonville Christmas Flotilla, where boats are decorated with lights and float down the river for us to see. It was cold, so we had to bundle Joey up good.

You can't see really good with Earl's camera (I do NOT recommend anyone buy the Kodak easyshare c530 - i know it's too late for you Mom, sorry) but the picture above was the last boat in the flotilla that carried Santa, and you can see Rudolph lit up in front.
He also says meow (mawwww) and woof woof (just started that yesterday at the Flotilla). Earl taught him to bump fists too. He loves to mooo like a cow. And quacks like a duck (ah ah). He has a book that you push the button and hear the animal sounds, so he started copying the duck all on his own. The cow I had to demonstrate and I must have lifted my chin while I moo'd because thats how he likes to moo, but turning his head upward toward the ceiling. It's very cute.
He says ear (eeea) which he just started this morning. And eye, while he pushes his sharp little finger into your eyeball. And belly and belly button (bleeee and blee bu).
He dances a little more. He does the normal bouncing up and down with his knees, but now he also does a river dance thing, where he stamps his feet pretty fast. He still climbs on EVERYTHING. Me and Earl were talking the other day how we were actually surprised he didn't break a tooth until now, at 16 months old. At his rate, he should have broke one a long time ago.
He wears size 5 shoes now, he went through the 4's really fast. He weighs 19.9 lbs...but the doctor said he's gaining weight just fine (2 lbs in 4 months) so everything is good.
He loves Cheerios for breakfast (or any meal). He loves peaches. He loves pizza. He brushes his teeth (by sucking he water out of the bristles).
We will be coming to Asheville probably on Christmas night, so that Joey can get Santa's presents here at home on Christmas morning. And we'll stay about a week or so.
Can't wait!
And we found out our friends in NY, Dustin and Helen, are having another baby, their 3rd! Congrats!
And Happy 29th Birthday Michelle!!!!!!!!!