First of all, Congrats to Christina on her new baby boy, Landon. I know he has pnumonia and needs everyone's prayers, so keep him in yours. Joey found a dry erase marker and decorated our step ladder!
Joey's aunt Darlene sent him a new backback/suitcase. He loves the monkey ("min-no-me").
He has cut another tooth. It's one of his molars. He still doesn't have all the non-molars yet, but I guess he feels like switching things up. You can imagine what our nights have been like, along with his horrible cough. He's usually fine during the day. But last night he slept from 8-1am. I had went to sleep late, at 11:30 (yes, thats very late for us). So I get up with him at 1am, trying to get him to go back to sleep, thinking its just the cold/cough bothering him and finally after an hour and half of standing above his crib, I finally picked him up and tried to get him to sleep on my shoulder in the rocker. Didn't work. I brought him to my bed with me at 3am, where Earl is trying to sleep because he has to work today (saturday). Joey must think its morning time because he leans over and kisses his daddy, and scoots off the bed and runs to the living room saying 'ttteee' (TV). By the time I get in there he's already turned it on. We put in a movie and stayed up until 4:45, eating lots of fun snacks and reading books very loudly (sorry, Earl). We watched the Ant Bully. Finally I put him back down, and figured out he might be teething. So I gave him some baby orajel, thinking I'd get to sleep half the day away, but he woke up at 7:15am!!!!! I put him in bed with me, and he slept for one more hour only.
And he took 2 very short naps today. So, its been a bit rough today, but luckily Earl only worked a few hours and got to come home to help out.
He says so many words, I can't keep up anymore. Some of the most popular that I haven't listed already are Snack ('nack'), Drink ('teh'), Lights ('arh'--I'm serious. thats what he calls the Christmas lights), Bed ('beh'), Cheerios ('chee'), Eye (he says perfectly, so i dont have to translate that one), Nose ('no'), and I'm sure there's lots more, but I'm sleep deprived, so that's all I can think of right now.
He likes to spin in circles and loves when we say 'do it again' about anything.
Oh and today he did the most clever thing. Earl has been showing him how to throw things away in the trash can (which is closed inside the pantry door). That's also where we keep the dog food that Joey loves to get into and throw at the dogs and all over the kitchen floor. He was wanting to get into the dog food and we wouldn't let him, so he came over and grabbed a tissue and blew his nose (he does really good at blowing out now, no sucking back in) and takes it to the pantry door and shows us that he wants to throw it away. Earl knew what he was doing BEFORE he even finished blowing his nose, but I was thinking, 'no, he's not that sneaky'. But yes, yes he is. So I had to let him in the pantry of course, to throw that away, and once he did, he went right for the dog food. Luckily, he doesn't eat it. LOL
Oh and tuesday I have an appointment in Chapel Hill with a back specialist to see if my back is getting much worse and if there's anything that I need to do about it.
Okay, nite everyone!