On Wednesday night he tripped over a pillow in the floor (or maybe over his own feet, who knows) and fell face first into the seat of plastic Harley Davidson motorcycle/big wheel. Poor guy, he cried and cried, and there was a lot of blood. It broke the tip right off of a tooth he just cut a month ago. We went to the doctor and dentist and there's nothing to do about it right now. Poor guy is probably stuck with it until he loses that baby tooth in many many years! and yes, I saved the broken tooth. ;-)
This morning, Earl put Joey on the fridge and tried to take him down and Joey pitched a fit, so Earl had to put him back up there and wait, and wait, and wait while Joey played and got into everything up there.
Last night we went to the Jacksonville Christmas Flotilla, where boats are decorated with lights and float down the river for us to see. It was cold, so we had to bundle Joey up good.
Joey has some new words. He says motorcycle (mwaooooo ohhh) with a growl in his voice and mess (meh meh). You can imagine who taught him motorcycle. Mess he learned because of me always saying 'Joey, you made a mess', so now anytime he sees messes on the floor or something the dogs have drug out, he points and says meh meh and then picks up ONE SMALL piece of the mess and puts it away, and smiles and goes about a new mess.
He loves Cheerios for breakfast (or any meal). He loves peaches. He loves pizza. He brushes his teeth (by sucking he water out of the bristles).
Can't wait!