Earl had duty while he was supposed to be on leave, and this was the uniform he had to wear. I love this uniform. I do love the Dress Blues, but knowing how uncomfortable they are to him, I might actually prefer this uniform instead. He's so handsome! He starts a Gunny's course next week, and he's not looking forward to that. It will last almost 2 months.

He should be picking up his new rank, Gunny, in the next couple months. Probably before he finishes this course.

I wish I could say Josiah loves his new red bike that he asked Santa for. But he's only tried it twice. He refuses to pedal. He'll rest his feet on the pedals but expects me to push him or the bike to miraculously go on its own. He does let me put his knee pads on, though, so he doesn't get hurt.

He still loves his swingset, but has no desire to sit and swing. He loves swinging on his belly instead.

We're enjoying the mild weather. It doesn't feel like winter at all...yet.

I've stopped counting how big Josiah's sentences are getting. The other day I tried, and he just keeps going and going. "I got down from the bed and got a boo boo right here, right there." That's a long one I have an example of. But he's very long winded when he wants to be!

We got another package of Christmas presents in the mail the other day:

Thanks Aunt Donna! This is Curious George in a Bunny costume. When Earl said "he's in a bunny costume!" Joey said, "He have a bunny costume to hide from the hippo." (I assume he saw an episode we didn't....otherwise, what the heck?! LOL)
We're just enjoying these last few days of Earl having off. Happy new year everyone!