Angela lives only 2 and a half hours away, and still we don't get to visit enough. We did squeeze in a couple days before she headed to Asheville.
Lunch at Jason's Deli

After he did push ups, he helped Aunt Angie do sit ups.

Josiah dancing with his arms. Not sure where he got that.

Angela's Christmas tree^ he he.

Josiah helped me blow out my birthday candles on my Coldstone Ice Cream Cake.

A guitar, which isn't half as loud as the next gift Angie got him:

Who else besides an Aunt would get a kid a set of drums for Christmas!!? He took to them right away. He does pretty good, besides it being so loud. He may be a natural.

Earl's gift from Angie--a new Harley belt buckle. He put it on immediately.

This is Angie's face when she saw her gifts from Joey and Earl. (Because she had just pointed them out to us the day before and said how much she liked them). I will now start posting all pictures of Angie with funny faces, because for my birthday (or was it Christmas?) She made a set of coasters, each one with a picture of me with an absurdly funny/odd/weird face. She did throw in a pic of her and one of Joey, but for the most part they were all of me. For obvious reasons, I'm not posting them here. :-)

Modeling her gifts (Which she didn't take off until bedtime pretty much)
Baking Christmas cookies: