This is only a small part of the Thanksgiving pictures I have to post. When we first got to Asheville, we went to Earl's parents.

As most of you know, Earl's sister Faye ^ is in the hospital. Their family can use your prayers right now.

We spent Thanksgiving day in SC with my Granny. We missed Pawpaw, on this first Thanksgiving without him, but we felt him there. ;-)

This is my cousins Trish, Jennifer and Allen, and my uncle Jerry. (And Joey's head in the bottom corner of the pic)

Joey and his Pawpaw

Allen and Earl thought they could break pecans by hand.



Joey and his 3rd cousin, Quantavious

My uncle Johnny

Like father, like son ^

The boys gathering around an engine.

Granny and Jennifer.

Judy, Trish, and the little boys.

I know this picture of Joey is blurry, but he looks so much like Earl in this photo that I had to post it.

Uncle Arron and Joey
Earl's mom and brother-in-law, Arron.
I have many more, but we'll be driving home tomorrow, so I don't know when I'll get to post them.