It's been a while since I've posted a blog, so here I am finally. I can't remember what all I've posted about Joey's latest happenings, and what I haven't, so if I repeat things, I'm sorry. He's all about holding hands right now. He holds out his hand to grab one of ours, then proceeds to walk us where he wants us to go. I think he likes it because it makes him feel in control. He's so cute. What else? Well, he only tried to bite me a couple times, and that was months and months ago. But it only took maybe 2 time outs before he stopped. But you can tell he still sometimes thinks about it, because he'll be on my lap and we'll be tickling or rough-housing and he'll lay his mouth on my shoulder (where he bit me those couple times) and then pop his head up and stare. Then look at me and say "no bite mama" and point to my shoulder. It tickles me that he still remembers that. He's so cute. I've got more little stories I'll post in between the pictures. These pics aren't in order, they are mostly backwards, recent to older.

This was yesterday, he likes to look at the pictures and video on the camera, so that's what he's pointing at.

He would have nothing to do with this carseat when it was actually in my car, but now that we've gotten a new one and this one is waiting to be put in Earl's camero, he doesn't mind playing in it. He even strikes a cute pensive pose.

This was today. It was in the 70s here, so we played outside a lot. This is a New Zealand All Blacks shirt that Angie bought him (that's her favorite Rugby team). But she got it kinda small, so we're having to wear it as much as possible before he outgrows it. I think this is the 3rd time he's worn it since Angie came here on her R&R.

At the Sonic playground the other night.

He copies me a lot^. I guess I put the back of my hand to the glass when I'm feeling to see how cold it is outside, and he sees me and does it too.
Again, playing in the chair he hated for so many months.

Daddy and Angie at Jennifer's (my step sis) wedding this past weekend in Barnardsville, NC.

This is Kaylee and Paige at the wedding.

This is how Joey spent the last half of the wedding and reception. He was so tired that day and we didn't have a chance to get him a nap before the wedding, so he was very cranky. I was a bridesmaid and couldn't help Earl out with him. I heard Joey screaming for me when he saw me up on the stage during the ceremony. Earl took him in the foyer and he fell asleep on Earl's shoulder. After the ceremony, Earl brought him up while the pictures were being taken and laid him on the pew. He slept like this for a long time.

Angie and Daddy at the reception.

Jennifer getting ready. She's such a beautiful bride!

My beautiful baby sister, Sandrina.

Yup, he's still sleeping.


Joey, and his cousins, Akira and Paige.

Joey and Paige.

My step-mom Wanda, and her grandbaby, Macy. Paige pulled Macy down the aisle in a wagon! It was precious.

This is when Angie first got here, we had a cake and balloons to celebrate her birthday that passed on Feb 22 when she was in Iraq. She's getting so old! 26! I should have done a birthday blog for her but time got away from me, and she usually hates every picture I post of her anyway, so we'll pretend I 'forgot' for her sake.

Handsome Joey in the All Blacks shirt again.

Oh, this is a cute story. I was putting away laundry in Joey's room and he found this blanket in the closet and pulled it out. (It was very close to his nap time). He found a pillow too (he doesn't usually sleep with pillows, yet). He said "night night" and spread the blanket on the floor and brought some toys over and played for a minute or two on the blanket. Then he put the toys off and laid down and tried covering himself up and he laid his head on the pillow. I helped him cover up and asked if he was going to go night night and he just stayed really still. So I grabbed my camera and took a picture, then turned off the light and turned on the fan (for noise). He stayed there. I left the room and shut the door, except for a little crack I peeked through. He laid there for a good 15 minutes, babbling to himself, and playing with his feet and other various activities. Then he decided I guess that he didn't want to take a nap on the floor and he got up, came out and the door behind him. We tried again a few minutes later in his crib, and it worked.

Joey giving Daddy a kiss one day when Earl had duty overnight and we showed up to bring dinner.

My boy loves to be naked. On this particular day he was on my bed playing around, making his daddy pull his legs and drag him to the other side of the bed. Then he'd crawl back and start over, giggling the whole time.
26-yr-old Angie Poo.

All three of my kids.

Joey's favorite things right now are his animal toys. He loves animal figurines and animal books. He knows a lot of them by name and sound. He still loves playing ball too. He got one more tooth a week or so ago. I think that makes 11. He doesn't really like me brushing his teeth anymore and doesn't want to do it himself anymore either. He sometimes gets stinky breath. I didn't know babies could have as bad of breath as he gets!
Me and Angie are going skydiving on Saturday. Her and Earl leave for Iraq on the following Friday, the 21st. Yes, they leave on the same day!!! Sad day for me and Joey.
Hope to have some more pics to post soon.
Thanks for looking!