We had portraits made of Josiah a couple weeks ago and we finally got them back. I'm posting them, plus I played around with a lot of them, enhancing the colors and cropping and such, so that's why there are so many of the same poses sometimes. I feel like I'm rambling and not making sense, it's midnight here on Saturday night, and I've been up for hours playing with these things since Joey went to bed. Earl has duty tonight, so I'm spending my time playing with these pictures when I should be getting some sleep.
Anyway, here they are and if you want copies of any of them, just let me know which ones and what size. The photographers we went to on base gave us the disc to reprint as much as we want, so I'll get some printed from Walmart or Snapfish or wherever they are cheapest, if you let me know what you want.

I love the pictures. He's my little cutie! And he'll be 19 months old in a few days! He's climbing on everything. He climbs up his changing table and sits up top to play, so I'm going to have to get that packed away. He's putting together more words at a time. Instead of just "nack" (snack), it's "more nack." No complete sentences yet, but he's really talking so well. Just another week until Angie gets here! Yay! And a month till Earl leaves. Boo hoo.