Me and Joey have been sick while Earl's been in the field. Today we are finally starting to shake the cough and runny nose! I had a couple Joey stories I thought I'd share. When Joey disappears and gets quiet for more than a couple minutes, I come into the dining room and usually find him up on the computer desk like this! He's a crazy climber. There's a picture on our computer of us 3 right now (you can see it in the above photo on the computer screen). Joey gets really excited when he sees a picture on the computer and he likes to name who he sees. Well, he saw this photo and screams "Da da, Ma ma, Me!" I have no idea where he learned 'me' from. I've not intentionally taught him that. It just popped out of his mouth yesterday. He surprises me with how smart he is! I made him say it a couple more times and he even pointed to himself calling it 'me' so I think he really knows what he's saying.
Today it was quite nice, so we played before nap. ^
He's adorable! LOL
This is Joey working on Daddy's Camaro (Joey says "mare") today. He found Earl's screwdriver in the driveway and immediately starts working.
Another story about Joey's smartness: He has books of animals that he loves looking at. He knows the sounds for most all of them too. One page is a squirrel and I didnt know what sound to make for that, so i copied the picture of the squirrel eating a nut, and put my fingers up to my mouth and made smacking sounds like I was snacking. I tried to teach Joey that, and he'd just smile at me and turn the page, not interested. I gave up a few weeks ago on that. Then we went to the zoo last weekend and there were squirrels. We got to feed one and I showed Joey "see, he's snacking" and redid that little gesture with my hands. Joey just laugh. We haven't revisited the squirrel issue at all, then last night, as he's flipping through his animal book, he yells 'squirrel' (i cant remember how he says it) and throws his hand up to his mouth and smacks his lips! LOL This is too funny to me. How did he remember that from over a week ago? I'm pretty sure he's a genious. He he he, Just kidding. But he's very smart. Much more so than I usually give him credit for, I think.
I tried to write down all the words he knows now, but I'm at 100 and I keep thinking of more. And these are just the words he can say on his own and recognize on his own, without being told to say it. His newest words are "cheek" and "chin", he loves to tell the dogs (or me) to "move." He knows "draw" and "burp," too.
Also, sometimes when I tickle Joey, I like to build up the anticipation, by counting "one, two, three" and then tickling him. Recently, I've made him copy me and count the numbers also. He won't say "one" but when I say one, he says "two" and then I say two and three and he'll say "three." But the funniest part is sometimes while I'm tickling him he says "Three, three, three" in between giggles. LOL
Okay, I dont have any more new pictures right now, so I'll stop rambling. Earl should be home from the field Sunday night. Yay!