It's getting very close to when Earl leaves for Iraq. Next month he'll leave for 7 months or so.
We hate it, but are trying to make the best of the time we have right now. We went to New Bern's Harley Davidson last weekend to see the motorcycle Earl is hoping to buy soon. It's called the Crossbones. Doesn't that just sound like a name Earl would like? LOL He made me take pictures of the thing:
We are very very very excited that Angie, my sis, will be on her mid-tour leave from Iraq soon. She should get to my house around the 2nd of March. Joey's been practicing his kisses on her picture. :-) I think she gets around 2 weeks here stateside, so we'll try not to hog her the whole time and will let her briefly visit Asheville while she's here. :-)
Also, my step sister, Jennifer, is getting married March 7th- CONGRATS JENNY and KENNY! So we'll be in town for that short weekend for the wedding.
Soon after that, Angie will be leaving to go back to Iraq and Earl won't be far behind her.
I had Joey's portraits taken recently. We are just waiting for them to come back. I'll post them when they come in. They were pretty great! Well, he is sooo cute, so how can they not be good? he he