We miss you like crazy Earl. Here's a little of what we've done since you've been gone.

This is your van being towed away.

At Paige's house, swinging.

Learning on a tricycle.

Making Grandpa chase him up a hill in the backyard.

Sandrina, being Sandrina. (and who just found out she'll be taking Driver's Ed this summer!! She's way thrilled.)

Stacking at Grandma's.

Mom and Aunt Di.

Me and Joey and my 2nd cousin, Brianna.

Me and Brianna Paige.

Joey met Chuck E Cheese!

Mom and Kalyn.

Kalyn and Joey at Kalyn's B-day Party.

Joey and Aunt Sandrina.

Riding the horse!

The jeep!
We're having a great time in Asheville. Can't believe our time is coming to an end here. We still have so much to do and so many people to see this last week. We wish you were here with us, Earl.
Love, Us