Here's another set of pics from our visit in Asheville. One day at my dads, we took the fourwheelers down to a creek where Joey and Paige threw rocks. They had fun. Joey fell asleep on me before we even got home!
Joey loved Pawpaw's sand!
Joey and Macy getting to know each other a little better.
We're doing good here, trying to get back into our regular life. Joey's still adjusting to Earl being gone, but he talks to his daddy on the computer sometimes and on the phone, and he loves looking at pictures of his Da Da too. Everytime I sit down in "Earl's" chair, Joey runs over and pushes me out saying "move, move!" "da-da's chair!" and won't let me stay there. He points to my chair and says "mommy's chair" and waits for me to go. If I don't, he starts pushing some more and ordering me to move. He's very bossy these days. He also tells the dogs to move all the time and gets angry if they dont listen. He loves popsickles and fruit snacks. He still isn't eating a lot, so I guess we can't expect a growth spurt anytime soon.
I'll post more Asheville pictures later!
Past my bedtime now.