Saturday, June 7, 2008

A hodgepodge and Earl's new Harley

I have a hodgepodge of pictures and the new ones of Earl's new Harley that got delivered yesterday. He's bummed about not being here, but he can't wait to get to ride it.

The keys hanging from the handlebars^

Joey and Kiara and Jenny, and Deja in her bird's nest that she made, so that she could be a bird.

Aunt Di and Joey

Hugs and kisses from Grandma

Nan, me and Joey

Kalyn, Jason, Brianna, and Pawpaw

Walking Grandma's dog, BabyCakes

Joey and BabyCakes running.

The boys migrated to Joey's room one evening at dinner, and left the massive amount of girls in the living room.
Eric in a sweet moment.

Earl sent Joey a bounce house for his early birthday gift. He wanted Joey to start playing with it right away. While it was still in the box in my living room, Joey walked around it every day saying "Birthday, Da Da" because I told him it was his birthday present from Daddy.

At the beach.

This last picture was one I forgot to post with the last blog, from Earl. It's a formation for a couple people with Earl getting promoted. He's in front of the formation.