Luckily, I have an insider's view into the highly specialized and extremely important life of an Army Intellligence Officer, since my sis (recently promoted to 1LT! congrats!) lives this exciting life everyday while in Iraq (and when she gets back, too!). I'm going to take a guess here, but I'm pretty sure that shaving cream is being tested for use on the enemy. It must have some high-tech characteristices that defeat the terriorists in 1 fatal swoop. (Of course, they are using a stand-in, non-fatal version here, or else my Intelligent sis would be a goner). By the way, Joey refers to this picture as "An-geeee Mess"--I'm thinking that is some kind of secret mission code that Angela trusted him with.
Okay, she's smiling. We must be a go for an Intelligent form of attack on our insurgent enemies! Yay Angie! (Ooops, I mean Angela--she prefers Angela now. You can get a little hoity toity when you are smart and important in the world of Army Intelligence).
Wow--this is big guys. She needs a Capt. there to supervise this testing. He's even helping her with it. That's what we like to see--superiors that don't mind getting their hands dirty, er, creamy.
This is my selfless, noble sis doing an oral test of this potential hazardous shaving cream. Maybe she's about to puke from all the unknown toxins that she injested, all in the name of freedom for our country! Thank you 1LT Angela Koch!
The aftermath: They must be photo-documenting this research for those Intelligence officers that may come later--in case this testing goes horribly wrong.
Luckily, she's well enough to gather enemy Intelligence at this softball game as a spectator. Can't you tell how deep in thought she is? I bet she's already gotten in her head the exact number of steps behind her the oncoming hot dog vendor is.
Angela is far right, with her platoon. Mind you, they're not as Intelligent as she is yet. That will take many many many hours to accomplish. :-)
Thanks for sharing the pictures Angela! Can't wait for more! We're so glad you're almost done with this crazy and long deployment and can't wait for when you're back at Ft Bragg, close to us where you belong! Love you!
Love, your peeps