Joey's been collecting the Madagascar happy meal toys. (Madagascar is his favorite movie right now--can't wait until part 2 is on video!) This morning, I found him playing with them in his cereal.
Also, we sold the Camaro and Earl took the money straight to the Harley Davidson and got new pipes for his Harley. His old ones were chrome, and Earl wanted louder ones that were black. ^
It looks good, huh? And they are very loud. I don't have handy pics of "before" but I"m sure you can find them on one of our old blogs if you really want to see.
11111111111111111111111111111111111111 - That was Joey. He loves to type now. We have to set him up a blank page so that he can type to his heart's content.
Oh I just thougth of a funny story. When Earl and Joey were playing in Joey's room the other day ( I was here at the computer working, and could hear them through the baby monitor), I heard the funniest thing. They were playing normally, then all of a sudden Joey tooted and jumped up and said "I hear a noise out my butt!" It was so funny. Earl cracked up and sent Joey to tell me. And he did.
Hilarious. He acts like he's never realized that he's done that before, but he most certainly has. He talks about it plenty when he "toots." I can't get him potty trained, but he'll do that on the toilet for me. Ha ha.
Okay, that's enough fun for one day. We're headed to Asheville for Thanksgiving tomorrow (what a busy weekend it will be). Can't wait to see everyone we can and eat all that delicious (or "dewichious" as Joey says) turkey.