Yesterday I had my hair colored: I'm a red head now. I'm not posting the "before" pictures, because I'm aware it looked much better before. I don't want to compare the two colors, I just want to enjoy being a red-head for a while. :-) and Earl loves it, so that makes me feel good about it. This picture makes it look like I have really red hair. In my mirror, I only see brown. Except my roots. Earl says I'm crazy. This picture is not what I see in the mirror. So I'm confused. But I'll give it a little more time before I run to the salon and say "fix it." (Also, I'm aware I need a tan. Red hair really brings out my paleness).
When I came home with red hair yesterday, Joey (who says his favorite color is Red), said that my hair should be blue, and his hair should be red, and daddy can have green hair.
This is in Joey's room this morning. He's back to waking up in the middle of the night and wanting my bed, so we end up waking up next to him in the mornings. He cuddles for a minute or two, then steps up on my pillow, so he can reach the shades over our headboard, and he pulls open the shades and says "It's getting lighter! The sun turned on the light outside!" I love it.
Another cute little story: we went through McDonalds drive thru last night (for the second time, looking for that darn Lion toy from Madagascar), and as Earl's giving the speaker box his order, Joey bangs on the window in the back and asks for the window to be put down. Earl puts it down and Joey holds out his Hippo from his previous happy meal, and yells into the speaker box "I gotta have a happy meal!" over and over again. He was placing his order. :-)