Daddy promised Joey a trip to see horses after Church last sunday. Joey rode patiently with Green Daddy:
This is before the horse show started. Earl and Joey checked out the area. I took these pictures far away from the warmth of the car. :-) My zoom on my camera isn't so bad afterall.
He's addicted to Dew just like his Daddy.
Okay, now the fishing part. Joey, out of the blue started talking about going fishing. Not sure if he saw it on TV or heard someone talking about it or what. But all of a sudden for days all he wanted to do was go catch fish. So sunday night we went and bought him a fishing pole that he had asked for last time we went to Wal-Mart (a Lightening McQueen fishing pole) and tackle box. He had fun for HOURS playing with that pole and box that night.
He went to bed pretty easy that night because he knew he was going fishing when he woke up.
He learned how to cast and reel it in himself. He was very proud.
Daddy gave him some equipment for his tackle box.
Kiwi watched the excitement from her safe place on the computer desk.
This duck just approached us, waiting for us to feed it, I guess. This is Joey being very still so he won't scare it ^
This is the second spot we fished. Joey found a comfy place with the chips and drink.
More ducks: Joey fed them chip scraps.
He kept asking to go swimming with them.
Me and Joey fishing.
It looks like I've caught a fish ^ but really I just got hung up , again. None of us caught anything (except for the minow Earl put in the net and let Joey think he caught. That was cute.)