I got my car back yesterday from the shop. She's good as new. I'm very happy to have a car again. Last week, I forgot I didn't have one. I made a doctor's appointment for Joey, got us all ready and was walking out the door before I realized I had no way to get there. Luckily, my friend Bonny was already on her way past my house, so she stopped by and got us.

We had a dinner out, just the girls, last weekend. Our last group get together before everyone starts moving away. ^ Christina, me, Mandy, Bonny and Angela.

Christina, me, Mandy, Bonny, Olivia, and Angela

Another silly group photo ^

Ryleigh and Kyle at a playdate last tuesday.

Joey was Kyle's little shadow the whole playdate.

Hanging with the Day girls (who are moving this week!) :(

Ryleigh, Allie, Mackenzie and Landon

Angela, Bonny, Erin and Christina

Helping me cook (not sure what the above pouty face is about).

My sweet sleeping Prince today. He doesn't do regular naps during the day anymore, but sometimes I can get him to fall asleep on my shoulder and then lay him down like this.

Earl gets promoted to Gunny on Monday the 2nd. Me and Joey will go watch his little ceremony.
Joey's still doing his cute funny things. He uses "think" and "thought" all the time: "I thought my flashlight was in my room." "I think it's getting light out." It's pretty funny hearing it come out of his mouth.
Also, he's obsessed with making up words. It's a cross between gibberish and spanish, I think. He'll just repeat the same made up word over and over again. Sometimes he'll play along when I say "What's that mean?" and he'll answer, "jublo means mublo" or something equally silly. He finally got his last two 2-yr molars in, so he's sleeping so much better these days.
He's naming more of his toys these days. He has a lot of toy frogs. The other day I asked what their names were, he named the first one Bradley, the 2nd one Joey, the next 2 were Mommy and Daddy. Then the next 3 were Mandy (even though he only knows 2 Mandy's). After that, he got bored with naming them. He made sure the Joey frog was the biggest though.