Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Getting Back Into Routine

Now that the holidays are over, and Earl is back to work, we're trying to get back into a normal routine.

This is Joey before Church last week.

We're still trying to find ways to keep his hair looking halfway decent as we're growing it out.

Part of getting back into routine is hanging out with friends again. Christina and her kids, Mackenzie and Landon came over for dinner the other night.

We're getting at the point where all of us are starting to get orders and move away, so I'm stressing out about losing my buddies.

^Joey seems to like blondes that play his drums. Or just blondes.

Christina, pregnant with baby #3!

Joey and Mackenzie

Then today, Mandy and Kori, and my friend Kelly came over for lunch.

Awww, Mandy, how mean...holding that yummy chocolate chip cookie just out of Kori's reach.

Cute as a button.

Silly kids.

I was trying to catch Kelly ^ making a funny face while she was telling a story, but she caught me.


See what I mean? ^ Blondes that play the drums.

This was funny. Kori was on the hood of the car, jumping up and down screaming " S, S, S" (no idea why). So after a while, Joey thought it was a challenge and jumped up to join her screaming "R, R, R!" I got it on video too!

My work starts up again soon, so I'll have less time to play on the computer, and play with Joey, and take pictures. Darn it. ;-)