Earl's parents, his sister Louise and his nephew Bradley are all here for a fun weekend visit. When Joey found out Bradley was coming, he was counting down the days. Then, one night while we were laying around in his car bed, I told him he should give his red teddy bear that santa gave him, a name. Joey thought for just a minute and then announced the bear's name is Bradley. :-)

Is it sad that I take my camera to the supermarket?

They were kind enough to pause their wrestling to say cheese for me.

Bradley knows the stakes when Uncle Earl's driving.^

Grandparents and their precious boys.

He turned his head right before the flash.

Louise and Bradley both trying to fit in the crab face hole

Cute Joey the crab

Mamaw's turn!

He's a jumper

Best buddies!

I see a resemblance^


Bradley the crab

Louise the crab
Oh yeah: Joey finally jumped up to the 10th percentile. He now weighs 25 lbs! He's sick right now, with a cold. But hopefully he'll get better in the next day or so.
Oh yeah: Happy 44th anniversary to Earl's parents (it was on the 15th).