We took Joey and his friend, Kori, to Monkey Joes last weekend. They had a blast.
It was so cute seeing them in line with big kids. Joey tackled Kori with a hug and they just giggled on the ground.
Potty training went well. I can't take enough pictures of Joey in his big boy underwear. It's so cute!
Joey is still taking pictures.
Unfortunately, all the fun at Monkey Joes turned into a sickness. I'm pretty sure he got it from there. Poor guy. Had a fever of 101 on one day. He coughs all night and barely sleeps. This is one of the only times in his whole life that he fell asleep on the couch watching TV. He NEVER falls asleep watching TV. Heck, he never lays down while watching TV, for more than a couple minutes. So we knew he was feeling bad when that happened. I have just a couple cute stories from before he got sick:
I did a high pitch gobble, screech sound (don't ask) while Joey was involved in his drawing on the table beside me. He didn't even flinch, just kept drawing. I said, "that didnt' scare you?" He calmly said, "yes, it scared me." I said, "oh you were just drawing so I thought you didn't hear me." Then he goes, "I did hear you. You were just working, so you didn't hear me."
I cracked up and said, "are you turning the tables on me, boy?" He said, "well...yes."
He says "well" a lot now, before everything and anything he says. It can be hilarious.
This morning, he let me take a picture of him laying on the back of the couch. He didn't stay there long. Just long enough for a pose. He's a little monkey, still climbing anything and everything. And he stands upright on the back of the couch and counts, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, JUMP!" and jumps down. He's fearless.
He still has a crazy imagination, too. We were playing balls in his bedroom floor and he said, "Get close, Mom. Get close like bees." Me: "Like bees? What are bees close to?" Joey: "Flowers. Beautiful, colorful flowers." Then later I asked why he's scared and makes Daddy sit with him at night. I told him there's no animals in the house and not to be afraid. He said there's a good monkey that talks to him and asks him questions. Me: "What questions?" Joey: "Do I have 1 dog?" Me: "What did you say?" Joey: "I said , I have 2 dogs."
Also, the day we went to Monkey Joes, Kori's mom showed me that she knows how to spell Mom and Dad, and Cat, and Kori (and maybe more, that's as far as we got). I was so impressed. So I've been working with Joey to teach him that. He's doing good. Sometimes he forgets and needs reminding, but once you say it once, he remembers and can spell it on his own for a little bit. Till he forgets again.
We are still waiting to find out where we are moving too. Things are looking better for us to get Georgia, but we still don't know. Maybe next week we'll find out something.
Also, the day we went to Monkey Joes, Kori's mom showed me that she knows how to spell Mom and Dad, and Cat, and Kori (and maybe more, that's as far as we got). I was so impressed. So I've been working with Joey to teach him that. He's doing good. Sometimes he forgets and needs reminding, but once you say it once, he remembers and can spell it on his own for a little bit. Till he forgets again.
We are still waiting to find out where we are moving too. Things are looking better for us to get Georgia, but we still don't know. Maybe next week we'll find out something.