We went to Fayetteville to visit Angela last weekend and I'm just getting around to posting pictures. I have a few new stories to share, too! This is Josiah (today, he wants me to call him Josiah--yesterday he picked Joey) throwing pine cones at a park near Angela's house.
I'm very excited to enroll Joey in a preschool when we move. He did so good learning so fast, the alphabet and numbers and colors and animals and everything. But now I have no idea what I'm supposed to be encouraging him to learn. I think he'd really benefit to go to a preschool a couple days a week that's an actual school, rather than a daycare. I'll check into that when we move I guess.
Earl turned the car too deep and it rubbed.
Josiah said, "You tooted."
Earl said, "No, buddy, I didn't. The car did."
Josiah thought, then said "The car don't have a butt."
Earl said, "No it doesn't, but the car made a noise."
Josiah said, "Your butt made a noise!"
Josiah said, "You tooted."
Earl said, "No, buddy, I didn't. The car did."
Josiah thought, then said "The car don't have a butt."
Earl said, "No it doesn't, but the car made a noise."
Josiah said, "Your butt made a noise!"
I see he gets his maturity from Earl.
Angela wanted a picture beside the Pet Waste sign. She practically begged me.
Beware, if you're not around, Josiah may blame you for something. He found a paint stain on the garage floor the other day (it was here when we moved in).
He asked me, "Did you do that, Mom?"
Me: "No, Daddy must have did it."
"Daddy, did you do it?"
Earl: "No, I didnt do it."
Joey: "Probably it was Sandrina."
Me: "No, Daddy must have did it."
"Daddy, did you do it?"
Earl: "No, I didnt do it."
Joey: "Probably it was Sandrina."
I cracked up. No clue why he decided to blame Sandrina, it was out of the blue.
Lately, he's been calling us Mom and Dad more than Mommy or Daddy. He's growing up, I guess. He's doing better using the toilet. Everyday, he uses it at least once or twice. He likes to go a little in there, then stop it, then stand up and flush (his training toilet has noises and voices when you flush) then sit down and let some more flow, then stop, and get up and flush again. Then sit down and finish the job. He obviously has control of his bladded. Ha ha. Not sure why he hates underwear so much. I bought him Cars and Diego and plain white ones, and he still hates them. I have to bribe him to get him to wear them. He prefers diapers still.