Joey still loves taking pictures. I actually enjoy picking up my camera to discover what new "treasures" are waiting for me to see. It's really neat to see the world from his eyes. He caught me doing laundry one morning.
He had his first sleep over last weekend. Our nieghbors, the Roseberrys invited him over since they were moving. He was the only boy, with a group of girls :) He had a blast and didn't beg to come home. He stayed there all night. Me and Earl actually got a night out to dinner (thanks Louise, for the gift card!). It was nice. It was the first time Joey's stayed away overnight with friends--it's only been family up to this point. He had a blast.
At the moment, Joey's obsessed with posters! He has them all over his walls. First it was Madagascar 2 posters, then Cars posters, then Spider-Man. And of course, he's got a few motorcycle posters from Earl's magazines. Every once in a while, he'll wake up and first thing he'll do is run to my bed and say he wants more posters. They're actually out of stock in all our stores around here of any new ones that he's interested in. He's bought them all out. And that's his form of play, too: He'll come up and grab my hand and say, "Let's go look at my posters." And we do. He tells Earl exactly where he wants them on his wall. We're running out of wall space now. We're hoping our new house has a bigger bedroom for him when we move.
This is Zoey and Joey
Joey decided to put green soap in his hair. Lots of it.
We had our last meal out with the Roseberry's and our other neighbor girls while Earl had his formal dinner at work. On the day they came to say goodbye to use because they were leaving town, Joey refused to tell them goodbye. He was almost in tears saying, "They can't leave!" I didn't think it would bother him, I didn't think he'd understand, but he did.
Joey got a biker jacket for Christmas, but didn't wear it till now.
He sometimes watches TV from the ground.
He took pictures of me getting ready for Church (I didn't know he was snapping photos of me) and of our bathroom: