This is a few of my closest friends here: Bonny, Christina, Angela, and Michelle. Mandy and Jessica couldn't make it to this breakfast playdate, but they should also be in this pic too. (yes, they all sit up straight and look nice and tall, and I'm the short sloucher on the end) This is Joey's Diego table he got from Mommy and Daddy for his birthday. He never eats off of it, he only eats at the coffee table in the living room.
Everytime he has to wash his hands, he never wants to give up the water time. So I let him sit in the kitchen sink for a few minutes playing with my dirty dishes. He he. And getting himself soaked.
We might not have many beach days left this year, so we hope to take advantage of all the good weather we get. This is Joey with his buddy Adison today.
Couldn't resist using the styling benefits of ocean water to keep that mohawk stylish. I love this picture. You can't see it in this shot, but he has his toy monkey and his toy bear in the bucket of water and is hiding them under the water saying "where'd they go mommy?" (well, not exactly like that, but that's what he was trying to say.) It made him happy. He loves his toy monkey. It's always been his favorite animal. When he wants to play animals, he always gives me the bear and him the monkey.
Hilarious profile shot of my little man.
We don't get a lot of contact with Earl, and haven't for quite some time now. He was going through weeks of long hours, then we he finally got a little less busy, he lost the internet he was using to contact me so often. Now he has to use the public computers and system, which apparently doesn't work very well, so he rarely gets to email, and we NEVER get to chat online anymore like we used to. :-( He does call occassionally now, so that's nice, but the Webcam and voice chat online was even better. But he'll be coming home in just a little over a month!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Summer's almost over
at 5:28 PM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Pictures from our Ft Bragg visit
Here are a few more photos from our time at Angie's, with Angie and Sandrina.
His swimsuit with built in floaties^
(Doesn't really work)
The arm floaties work the best.
Sandrina chilling in front of the TV.
He saw this machine with the stuffed animals inside. He came over to our table, picked up Green Daddy, took him over to the machine, and held him up to see the other stuffed animals. It was the cutest thing, but I didn't have my camera ready.
Today, watching TV. We haven't done much anything else the past 2 days because of the storms.
at 6:46 PM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
"We Are Family...I got all my sisters with me..."
Okay, so I don't have ALL my sisters with me, but I got to spend the last week with 2 of them, and of course Josiah. We updated his mohawk, so it really looks like a mohawk now:
Loved having you at my house Sandrina! Thanks for keeping us company for a couple weeks. We'll miss you.
And thanks for having us at your house Angie! Have fun in Asheville, and hurry back to us. Me and Joey want to watch his new movies with you. :-)
at 10:06 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The Mohawk
I know this isn't a popular decision, but I gave Joey a mohawk yesterday. Well, I took him to get a mohawk, I didn't cut it myself.
at 11:05 AM
Monday, August 18, 2008
More of Sandrina's Visit
He knows his name is Joey Roberts, and he can also say Josiah Roberts. He calls me Mommy Roberts, but also sometimes says Gail Roberts. And he knows his daddy's other name is Earl Roberts, not just Daddy Roberts. Ha! he cracks me up.
at 2:53 PM