So Angie's Surprise Welcome Home Party and Joey's 2nd Birthday Party was on Aug 2. Here are just some of the pics from the party. I am hoping to see more from Faye's camera (hint hint) soon.
It was so extremely hot that day. I'm sorry to have put everyone through that, but thank you so much for coming and making their day special!
Beautiful little Evie Mae is helping with the presents.
Apparently I thought these PJ's were amazing! Thanks Nan!
Angie and her best bud Kirk.
Thanks Yearwoods for the Elmo--it's very entertaining!

Not a clue what I'm laughing at.

He truly loved every present he got. He did NOT want to put them away to open a new one, he wanted to play with each of them as soon as he saw them.
Nan and baby Brianna.
Dad got Joey a wedding gift bag instead of a birthday one. Hmmmm.

My big bro, Ray, lil sis Angie, me, and baby sis Sandrina.
My mom and her good-looking kids!
Very enthralled with Diego's Rescue Pack.
Aunt Di!

Kiara is trying to figure out how to take the Dora track home with her, instead of letting Joey keep it.

Ray and Angie

Joey in the bounce house. (Thanks Pat for providing the bounce house!)

Angie and her tiara and lei (sp?)

Ashley and Evie Mae, Katie, Me and Joey and Paige in the bounce house.

Merrit and Mikey, and Paige at the front table and the Foulkrods in the background.

My dad and aunt Pat.

Joey hangs onto Paige's every word.

Angie and Pat.

Time to blow out the candles. (As soon as I lit one, he blew it out--couldn't get both lit at the same time)

Joey and my cousin's daughter, Kalyn, at the After Party.

Welcome Home Angie!

Ooops, Mom put the words on upside down (see the upside down balloons?) He he, it was still delicious mom!

Party guests: Wanda, Sheila, Bobby, Scotty, and Sandrina.
We had a blast, so glad for everyone that came! Thank you all for the presents and for your presence! Joey couldn't have his daddy there, so thanks for pitching in and making his day as special as it could be without Daddy.
Wish you were here to see him blow the candles out, Earl. But we thought of you all day--you were in our hearts! Come home soon and see your little 2 year old in action. I swear, he's a genius! :-)