Here are a few more photos from our time at Angie's, with Angie and Sandrina.
His swimsuit with built in floaties^
(Doesn't really work)
The arm floaties work the best.
Sandrina chilling in front of the TV.
I felt like a silly foreign tourist, taking pictures at the mall, but he had to bring "Green Daddy" and I didn't want to miss any cute moments. Above, he put Green Daddy in the backseat as he drove the truck at the mall (we didn't have any coins, he just got in them and pretended. I don't think he knows they're supposed to move).
He saw this machine with the stuffed animals inside. He came over to our table, picked up Green Daddy, took him over to the machine, and held him up to see the other stuffed animals. It was the cutest thing, but I didn't have my camera ready.
He's practicing making a two with his fingers. He can do it by himself now.
In the bathtub last night.

Today, watching TV. We haven't done much anything else the past 2 days because of the storms.
Today, watching TV. We haven't done much anything else the past 2 days because of the storms.
I wasn't in the mood to take pictures, but Joey also had a little 'incident' tonight. He was playing quietly in the bath tub, and I went to check my email. When I came back in, he had dumped probably half the water that was in the tub, onto my bathroom floor, along with all 100 bath toys he had in the tub with him. Ugh!