Look at us 3 brown-eyed cuties. :-) Okay, so 2 of them are cuties. 1 of them is an aging former-cutie. He he
He knows his name is Joey Roberts, and he can also say Josiah Roberts. He calls me Mommy Roberts, but also sometimes says Gail Roberts. And he knows his daddy's other name is Earl Roberts, not just Daddy Roberts. Ha! he cracks me up.
He still talks in his sleep. He's still in the crib (I can't imagine ever getting him to stay in bed once he switches to a big boy bed).
Right now, our plans are going to be for Earl to get stationed overseas doing MSG duty at an embassy. This will only happen if we can work it around my back surgery, and if the timing works out. I am trying to schedule my surgery sooner rather than later, so that I can be recovered in time to move after Earl completes the 8 week MSG school in VA next year (sometime around March possibly). I will keep updating as we get more information. Right now, everything is up in the air, and nothing is in writing. Earl's orders got denied to stay here at Lejeune, since they don't have any spots for his rank at the moment to be an instructor at SOI here, so that's how all our plans went astray. God must have chuckled a little when He watched us make these plans, us thinking we'd be in this same spot for at least 6 more years. He he. We're trying to roll with the punches and not let it stress us out too bad. But we will be sad to move so far away from family and friends for 3 years. That will be tough. But if there's a chance we'd get stationed somewhere like California or somewhere equally as far, then I'd rather get take the opportunity to live overseas. If we're going to have to be far away from family, then might as well enjoy the perks of military life, and get to see another country. Keep us in your prayers. Love to all!